your thoughts_


RE_KIN shows an alternative lifestyle that is both similar and different to the lives we live day to day. There is a certain flavor of nostalgia mixed with a sense of “this is not unlike my own life” yet through further examination and reflection you find that this is not the life you are living, but a life so closely parallel it allows you to reconsider your own lifestyle and how you interact with the people, places, and community around you.

hayden / 21 yrs

After being exposed to RE_KIN I realized I’m not a very nice person — I need to rethink my life.

Jill / 20 yrs

The magazine is beautiful. Beautiful visually and beautiful in message. I loved it. I think it’s just wonderful and really seems to address a need we have in society right now to focus on connecting with each other in kind and encouraging ways.

Amy / 36 yrs


There is a healing aspect to it.

k. / 43 yrs

How beautiful. I feel a sense of calmness and beauty reading through this. Seeing the textures, the pictures, the quotes, and just the composition of it all makes me emotional. It isn’t what you usually see. It is art.

Antonio / 56 yrs

Serene and calm. Who knew paper and ink could be so beautiful.

Laura / 33 yrs


For me RE_KIN was a candid view into life’s reassuring moments. After viewing the magazine, my heart was warm and I had gained that much more hope for all of us on this ball of water and dirt. The design was incredible. It made viewing the magazine an experience. One that I want to share with so many others because of how much it helped my per- ception and put my mind at ease. It de-stressed me with how calm and meaningful every spread was laid out.

Andrew / 22 yrs

The whole magazine is comforting, visually soft, inviting, and an easy read for people.

Stacy / 34 yrs

This is a beautiful magazine visually and emotionally. After just looking at it, I feel uplifted and more peaceful.

erik / 40 yrs


It is unique, and uplifting and positive. It is simple too... it isn’t trying to be important, it just is.

Jonny / 35 yrs

The messages are inspiring and practicable. A lot of this is lost on us because we’ve become so distracted with other less important things in life, and so these messages sometimes need to be simple, simply put, so that people can become reacquainted and resonate with them again. Keep sharing stories, quotes, any data or concrete info that truly inspires new thinking and enables people to actually practice connect- ing with others on a daily basis. So refreshing of a concept especially for those of us who are stuck in an office building all day. This magazine already makes me want to get out of the office and go practice this stuff with family and friends.

Laura / 38 yrs

In this magazine, you are giving all of us goodness. Almost, as though you had bottled up joy and then handed us the bottle. I feel like I am bathing in it right now.

grace / 42 yrs